Sunday, September 29, 2019

More Videos of the 60th Reunion

Along with the pictures Cindy Vierthaler sent, she also sent videos of the remarks made at the reunion banquet.  Due to the limitations of the blog publishing ability, these videos were edited, so that they could be published.  Thus some presentations are broken into two parts.

Here are the videos in the order of the presentations:
Julie Seifried Dillenburg's Banquet Opening Remarks

John Vierthaler's Open Microphone Introduction and Comments

Julie Seifried Dillenburg's Open Mic Comments

Hugh Schall's Open Mic Comments

More 60th Reunion Pictures

Cindy Vierthaler send me some additional pictures of the reunion. Enjoy!

Jack Gannon, John Vierthaler, Julie Seifried Dillenburg, Doug Mowrey, Judy Forester Pistorius, Hugh Schall and Owen Dwyer at the Reception

 John Vierthaler and Hugh Schall at the USS Requin (SS 471)

John Vierthaler Going Through an Internal Hatch on the Submarinne

 Doug Mowrey at the Banqut

 Jack Gannon 

 Julie Seifert and Owen Dwyer Contemplating the Meaning of Life

 Sue Klingensmith Hagen, Bill Hoppes and Dorrie Alston Hoppes

 Mike Coco and John Vierthaler

Warren Mentch, Steve Puskar and Hugh Schall

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Aspinwall High School, " Class of 1959", 60th Reunion Directory

Karen (Metz) Grubbs was kind enough to develop a directory of all of our classmates with the information, as available at the September 6-8 reunion.

Below is a copy of the directory:

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Aspinwall High School, "Class of 1959" 60th Reunion Videos

Bill Hoppes took several videos of the 60th Reunion reception.

Below are the videos:

Aspinwall High School, "Class of 1959" 60 Reunion September 6-8, 2019

The Aspinwall High School Reunion for the Class of 1959 was held at the Comfort Inn, RDIC in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Attending were: Dorrie (Alston) and Bill Hoppes, Barbara (Buccilli) and Ted Mileski,  Ray and Crystal Butson, Virginia Canning, Owen and Mary Beth Dwyer, Jack and Sharon Eaton, Judy (Forester) Pistorius, Jack and Debbi Gannon and children, Marge (Hoover) and Charlie Stull, Sue (Klingensmith) Hagen, Carol (Laubach) Kells, Warren Mentch, Karen (Metz) and Harold Grubbs, Doug Mowrey, Ed and Judy Paris, Bob Peruzzi, Steve Puskar, Hugh Schall, Julie ( Seifried) Dillengburg, and John and Cindy Vierthaler.

The reunion schedule consisted of a Friday night reception, Saturday tours(Carnegie Science Museum & USS Requin (SS 481) and Phipps Conservatory), a Saturday night banquet, and a farewell Sunday breakfast.

Below are pictures of a wonderful weekend:

 Jack Gannon, John Vierthaler, Julie (Seifried) Dillenburg, Doug Mowrey, Hugh Schall & Owen Dwyer at the Reception

 Carnegie Science Museum and the USS Requin (SS481) as seen from Mt. Washington

 The "Golden Triangle" as seen from Mt. Washington

 Bill Hoppes, Dorrie (Alston) Hoppes, Virginia Canning, Mary Beth Dwyer & Owen Dwyer at Phipps Conservatory

 Mary Beth Dwyer, Dorrie (Alston) Hoppes, & Virginia Canning

60th Reunion Banquet Cake

 Dorrie (Alston ) Hoppes & Virginia Canning

 Ed Paris & John Vierthaler 

 Hugh Schall & Ted Mileski 

 Jack Eaton & Steve Puskar

 John Vierthaler and Warren Mentch

 Judy Paris, Mary Beth Dwyer & Owen Dwyer

 Mike Coco, Judith Coco & Cindy Vierthaler

 Dorrie (Alston) Hoppes & Mary Beth Dwyer

 Steve Puskar & Bob Peruzzi

 Jack Gannon's Children (John, Tim, and Kelly)

 Karen (Metz) Grubbs & Harold Grubbs

 Jack Gannon & Steve Puskar

 Sharon Eaton, Jack Eaton & Ed Paris

 Sue (Klingensmith) Hagen, Carol (Laubach) Kells, Debbie Gannon, & Mary Beth Dwyer

 Ted Mileski, Barbara (Buccilli) Mileski, Virginia Canning, & Crystal Butson

Bob Peruzzi & Doug Mowrey